I am not a native of Lubbock, nor even of Texas. I was born and raised in Greenfield, Indiana, spent a couple of years living in Glasgow, Scotland, and then landed in Lubbock where I've been ever since. Have a look!

04 February 2007

We had a beautiful day yesterday-- a brilliantly blue sky, lots of sunshine, temperatures in the 50s. A perfect day to take a picture of the steeple on this church near our house.


Poly said...

Estimad Su:

Muchas gracias por tu vista a Mexico Daily Photo. Si vienes a visitarnos avisame y con gran gusto sere tu guia por estas tierras.


Candice and Megan said...

That is an amazing sky! I am excited to see more of Lubbock! Welcome to the Daily Photo Family from Houston!

Su said...

The sky has been fantastic this week-- we've had a nice break from wintry weather.