I am not a native of Lubbock, nor even of Texas. I was born and raised in Greenfield, Indiana, spent a couple of years living in Glasgow, Scotland, and then landed in Lubbock where I've been ever since. Have a look!
19 April 2007
It's working today! Brilliant! These very clever planters sit outside Souper!Salad!, an aptly-named restaurant. No prizes for guessing what they serve. :)
When I worked at Carino's we would ask if they wanted a soup or salad. It sounds just like they are saying super salad. Now when I go to a resturaunt, if they say that, I answer Yes I would like a Super salad. I think it is really funny. They usually don't Amy G
When I worked at Carino's we would ask if they wanted a soup or salad. It sounds just like they are saying super salad. Now when I go to a resturaunt, if they say that, I answer Yes I would like a Super salad. I think it is really funny. They usually don't
Amy G
Aww. Well, I think it is funny. :)
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